martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

Entrevista a Kiro! (09-08-09)

On what do you pay attention at first, when you see a girl .. a guy?

Kiro: I pay attention on inner warmth, which goes from the person, on behavior, on eyes and etc ;D

How do you begin flirting with?

Kiro: It happens rather spontaneously. I don’t think about it too deep. I am what I am. I don’t need to pretend!

How does romantic supper look like for you?

Kiro: supper together at the splendid restaurant, then to go for a walk, to admire the stars and just to get pleasure from each other!

How far can you go during the first date?

Kiro: Everything depends on another person! But in spite of this, I always first easy begin such things. This, I think, is much better

Do you believe in love at the first sight?

Kiro: yes, I do, but it haven’t happened to me yet!

What is the most important for you in relations?

Kiro: Trust and solidarity, reliability and sincerity

Do you consider yourself as erotic and sexual?

Kiro: Let other people consider! I am what I am. I pay attention on myself and show more naked skin with great pleasure ;D

Did it happen easy to you to say “I love you” ?

Kiro: These words a person should say only in that case, if he .. she really thinks so, and if he .. she.. is absolutely sure in the person!

Are you a tempter first of all or do you prefer to be tempted?....

Kiro: I just say: it can be described as “to give” and “to take”. Both variants are interesting!

You are in love with a girlfriend .. a boyfriend of your best friend! What are you going to do?

Kiro: This is a very stupid situation, but a person can do nothing with his .. her feelings, that’s why he .. she should have a conversation with this person. Otherwise, this person can go crazy. I find it’s terrible to keep all of this deep inside and finally, to undermine his .. her health. Perhaps, it’ s difficult, but the person should talk about feelings!

Can you describe your dream girl .. guy?

Kiro: I have no specific idols! If I see my dream girl .. guy, the feeling should appear at once, for example, WOOOOOOOW! But I must confess, I like girls with dark, long hair and blue .. green eyes, and in guys I like beautiful hands! ;D

Can you imagine sex three together?

Kiro: A person should always try something new for further discussion! I wouldn’t be against it, if there will be such situation! Why not?

What parts of female and male bodies do you find the most erotic?

Kiro: Pronounced parts of face, as if they were graven by a hammer! As I have already told, beautiful hands I find very attractive and, perfect body, of course ;D

So, you had one night stand and she appeared to be pregnant! What are you going to do further?

Kiro: To tell the truth, if to go too far, I have never thought about it, this is a situation, where both sides should reach the conclusion between them, to come to agreement. I would never make a person do that, what she .. he doesn’t like!

Your most awkward cases in bed?

Kiro: Fortunately ,still nothing awkward happened to me ;D

Do you always have contraceptives with you?

Kiro: Do I look like that I constantly f******ck with somebody?

A girl .. a guy made a declaration of love! But you feel anything neither for him, nor for her! How can you explain it to them?

Kiro: Of course, I will explain it in a very delicate way, and hope, in spite of this, the friendship will win!

In which unusual places did you make sex?

Kiro: At this moment, I wouldn’t like to uncover too many places ;D There are a lot of funny places!

Your have already had one night stand. Would you feel sorry for it?

Kiro: I still feel sorry for nothing. One night stand is not for me, but, if it’s happen, well, let it be evenly!

Were you taken by surprise during the sex?

Kiro: No.

Would you leave music for your big love?

Kiro: No!

Have you got any unredeemed sexual wish?

Kiro: It has a lot of details!

(En cuanto pueda subo la traduccion!!)

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