martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

1st Phoenix Support message

Hey love your Yu & Cinema Bizarre fans!

We will call you to a fight on! As you all know have been many private pictures & videos uploaded on the net! Unfortunately there are always the first Russian support everything private, which we personally can not understand!
We believe private is private and that is why our call: Boykotttiert the following pages and report this fact because the debt is what we are now off! We want to rush anyone or so but we just want the boys finally have their rest!

and there are still other Suppor but that both sides are able to Yu's guilt because the pictures and the video have been uploaded!

Let us together and keep fighting!

Your [the 1st Phoenix Support]



La verdad que, no se acusa de nada a este blog, pero me parece una falta de respeto hacia los otros blogs/myspaces acusados de invadir la privacidad de Yu.
Ya que en ningun momento se agredio a Vanessa, ademas de que toda foto o video que esta en la web fue publicada por Yu, su novia o alguno de sus allegados. No llegaron a internet x arte de magia.
Entonces, para mi eso no puede ser considerado invasion a la privacidad. Bueno, no se, es mi opinion, no quiero quilombo con nadie xD

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